Summary/Response #10

Throughout class(FIQWS 10108) I learn the reading ‘’They say, I say’’ and William Zinsser work helps readers become effective writers. I learned the different ways to state my argument and the author’s argument. The key elements to make my point of view shine more and to have the reader engaged in my writing. I also learned through William Zinsser’s work that my voice and writing is unique and to not change my style of writing, because everyone has a different way of thinking. Read other writings but don’t imitate them. Reading your work out loud to make sure it sounds and flows nicely. Embrace your own language and thoughts. In ‘’They say, I say’’ One important key element discussed is ‘’they say, I say’’, which is stating others’ opinion about a certain argument before saying your own opinions.Having a balance between what someone else has said and your own interest as a writer. Also to make sure that your argument is clear enough for the reader to understand your views on that topic and also the direction you are choosing. Which can be agreeing with what ‘’they say’’ or arguing against it. Summarizing was also discussed, which helps the reader understand the important information being discussed. Also while summarizing the author of ‘’they say I say’’ suggest that you should put yourself in their shoes. This helps the reader understand the other side of the argument. Quotations from sources also help back up your argument. Quotations help prove a point that you have made. It is evidence to help the reader understand why your point is valid. Naysayer would allow you to learn about what others will say against your arguments by implanting a naysayer in your work. A naysayer should be implanted to show the readers that your perception is not the only one that matters. These are a few things that are important to know while wanting to make effective writing.